In previous installments of Traveling With Children, I've discussed avoiding disasters like plane crashes or hotel fires. Traveling With Children now has a new dimension: avoiding getting COVID on road trip potty stops. …
There's only about 4 weeks left of summer vacation here in Louisiana. Summer's been terrific, but now family vacation and your kid's camps are done. You've made some good memories, but now the kids are bored and have reverted to…
My father-in-law, Howard Fournet, grew up on a farm during the Great Depression. The farmhouse was on Johnston St. (a gravel road then) in Lafayette, where the Albertson's now stands. The University of Louisiana's athletic…
This week's guest columnist is Dr. Allan Olson, a family practice resident at the University Health Center here in Lafayette. Allan is 61 years old, yet is on the long and stressful road of residency that makes a doctor. How…
Today's Guest Columnist is Dr. John Giuffreda, a family practice resident at the University Health Center here in Lafayette. It happens too often: mom takes baby out of the car seat because she is fussy, dad takes his eyes off…